Dietitians can now manage diets easily with technology!

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As dietitians you have to keep a track of health and body nutrient requirement of your every client patient. According to the body requirement you have to prescribe and suggest them the diet that they should follow to have a safe, healthier and better life. iviand has developed a food allergen management system that will help you keep a track of the food nutritional requirements of your client patient’s body.  This will not only help you understand about the allergen components but also will provide you with information related to the calories, nutrients, proteins et al, which will further allow you to plan your patient’s meal according to their dietary requirements, what their body can take and cannot and in what quantity?

This software can be used at both online and offline levels. The database can be updated whenever you or they have access to internet. You can access information through this software on your computer, laptop or tablet. It’s easy, fast, convenient and on the go.  All you need to do is, enter the food recipe or its ingredients and the software will generate all the allergen, calorie, nutrients, and other food related information to you.  The software is specially designed to deliver you with precise and reliable details along with an easy to use interface. You can enter thousands of recipes and ingredients, and you can provide all the aid, advice and results that will help you manage the healthy dietary consumption of your patient client.

It is an endless effort and endeavour to keep your patient clients safe from allergies and food content that you know their body cannot or may not withstand. It gives you a head start information about the foods that you intake.

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